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HR Management & Development 

Manage your human resources on one hand,...

train and coach them on the other one.

HR Management

  • Calculation of wages and salaries

  • Advice on the optimal organization of service relationships (among other company contracts, freelance service reports, new freelancers)

  • Advice on the establishment and termination of employment contracts

  • Representation in payroll tax, contribution and tax audits

  • Employee evaluation

Mann, der mit Laptop arbeitet

HR Development

Training and coaching

People become more productive and successful when they work according to their core competencies.

We strengthen your managers and staff in their personality as well as in their skills. Through individual and group coaching on topics such as:


  • Leadership

  • Personality development

  • Skills analysis

  • Strengthening motivation

  • Self-confidence

  • Communication

  • Conflict resolution

  • Stress management

  • Crisis resolution

  • Resilience

  • Decision-making

  • Activating resources

  • Understanding roles

  • Leadership for women

  • Career development

  • Outplacement

  • Multicultural management

  • Responsibility and accountability

  • Leadership

  • Employee development


In English, German, French and Spanish

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