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Code of ethics of GO 2 Consult e.U. 

Our Commitment to Responsible Business Practices

The context & our engagement

In Austria, there are laws and regulations that govern gifts and hospitality in commercial and business practices. However, there is no specific law equivalent to the French Sapin II law in Austria. Austrian legal provisions regarding gifts and hospitality are generally integrated into broader laws governing competition, business ethics and corporate liability.

In the Austrian context, business practices must comply with the principles of fairness, transparency and respect for competition.Companies are encouraged to adopt internal policies to manage gifts, hospitality and other forms of benefits offered or received in the course of their activities. These policies may vary from company to company depending on their size, industry and specific practices.

The Sapin II law in France aims to fight corruption, promote transparency and strengthen corporate ethical compliance. The French law of December 9, 2016 relating to transparency, the fight against corruption and the modernization of economic life known as the “Sapin II Law”, requires obliged entities to put in place an anti-corruption system, based on eight compliance obligations* (see article 17). The French Anti-Corruption Agency (AFA) monitors compliance with these measures and procedures. In particular, it imposes obligations for the prevention and detection of corruption, as well as mechanisms to regulate gifts, invitations and other advantages offered or received by companies in the course of their activities.

In summary, although Austria has general regulations regarding business practices and competition, there is no specific law equivalent to the Sapin II Act in Austria. Austrian companies are encouraged to establish internal policies to regulate gifts and entertainment in accordance with ethical and business principles.

Go 2 Consult e.U. however, is firmly committed to scrupulously respecting the laws in force governing gifts and invitations in the professional context.Moreover,we also undertake to respect and comply with the specific provisions established by all partner companies with which Go 2 Consult e.U. and its collaborators work, in terms of gifts, invitations and ethical practices, to guarantee responsible and transparent conduct in our professional interactions.


Therefore,GO 2 Consult e.U. makes a firm commitment to put an end to any collaboration with a company or person who does not respect the laws in force or the established rules of good conduct concerning gifts, invitations and ethical practices in the professional context.


We consider it crucial to maintain partnerships based on integrity and respect for ethical standards, and we will act proactively to ensure respect for these principles in all our professional relationships.

Olivier Grellier, MiM

Business Owner, GO 2 Consult e.U. 

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